Archives For:

Forest Council

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Hector Mountain landslide

Forest Service proposes more logging in severely landside-prone areas

Forest in a proposed logging unit in the Hector Mountain project area. ​The U.S. Forest Service has proposed logging up to 250 acres in areas with extreme landslide risks in…

2021 Year in Review

​In 2021 alone, Kentucky Heartwood responded to eight project proposals across the Daniel Boone National Forest (DBNF) in addition to tracking multiple other projects at various stages of development. Here…

Kentucky Resources Council files FOIA appeal on behalf of Kentucky Heartwood

With the help of the Kentucky Resources Council, Kentucky Heartwood (KHW) filed an appeal challenging the Forest Service’s decision on August 17, 2021 to deny KHW a fee waiver request…

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Forest Service aims to shortcut environmental review and public participation in logging projects

​The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) recently issued final revised regulations that dramatically shortcut environmental review, and public input and oversight, on projects that include up to 2,800 acres of logging…


Kentucky Heartwood files formal objection to South Red Bird project

This area along the Redbird Crest Trail is approved for logging by the Forest Service. Most of the trees in this photo will be cut under the Forest Service’s plan.…

Rock Creek RNA_OG

Forest Service approves Pine Creek project. Here’s what it means.

​In January the Forest Service published their final decision on the Pine Creek Forest Restoration Project. The final approval of the project comes 4 years after the Forest Service’s first…


Kinder Morgan drops Tennessee Gas Pipeline conversion project!

Pipeline Company Kinder Morgan Drops Utica Marcellus Texas Pipeline ProjectHazardous Liquids Conversion Project Held Up Over Opposition in Kentucky Contacts: Tom Fitzgerald, Kentucky Resources Council, 502-875-2428,           …


Kentucky Heartwood files in U.S. Court of Appeals to block Kinder Morgan/Tennessee Gas Pipeline conversion project

​For Immediate Release, February 6, 2018 ​ Contact: Ryan Talbott, Allegheny Defense Project, (503) 329-9162                 Tom Fitzgerald, Kentucky Resources Council, (502) 875…


Winter Letter, December, 2017

Dear friends,As we wrap up Kentucky Heartwood’s 25th year of working to protect our public lands and native forests, I want to thank each of you for your support of…


Passing the Torch & upcoming Events

Katie passing the admin torch to Tress. Please join us in welcoming Tress La’Ree as our new Administrative Associate! Katie Gardner has been training Tress for the last couple months,…